The movie The Surrogates, starring Bruce Willis, will be shown in Germany at the beginning of next year. It is based on the comic of the same title. The single issues were collected and released as a TPB in the States in 2006 while the foreign editions have been published not until this year. The German publisher, Cross Cult (which is also licensee of the German issues of comics such as Sin City, Hellboy, The Walking Dead, and The Umbrella Academy), invited writer Robert Venditti and artist Brett Weldele to the Frankfurt Book Fair and a short signing tour. On October, 16th, Comicgate’s Andreas Völlinger and Frauke Pfeiffer had the pleasure to interview the two gents who have never been to Europe before … [Hier geht es zur deutschen Version.] Andreas: Okay, Robert and Brett, let’s start this interview. Is it kind of strange to promote a book that is … how old? Four years? Robert: Yes, the single issues came out in 2005. AV: So, that was the first time you had to talk …