Alle Artikel in: She !s me (Oh no! I’m a girl!)

The English version of our successful webcomic "Oh nein! Ich bin ein Mädchen!" ("Oh no! I'm a girl!") starts with its first chapter exactly one year after it debuted in German. Hooray!
The story revolves around a guy who one day wakes up as a girl. Don't think of this as a funny bodyswitch comedy, but as a serious evaluation about the question "What would you really do if …?" Take part in the journey!

Because of the high interest of non-German speakers, artist Jan Maaß decided to create an English version, with big help from several online friends. Jan is living near Hamburg, he has successfully finished his studies of graphic and communications design in 2007. You can find more of his art at his Deviant Art Gallery.

Jan's acknowledgements:
"Because my English is even worse than my Spanish, this will be kept short. Any spelling mistakes that you'll find in the comic have nothing to do with bad proofreading of my helpful buddies, but everything with me making mistakes when typewriting/lettering the comic.
I want to say "Thank You" to my new friends who helped me a lot with the translation. Of course in alphabetical order. ;)
"Thank you, Diethard" (final translation German to English and final proofreading)
"Thank you, Foxx" (rough translation German to English)
"Thank you, Kyle" (final translation German to English and final proofreading, title suggestion!)
"Thank you, Michael" (rough translation German to English)
and of course: "Thank you, Comicgate" :) "

This webcomic is not finished yet, so please be patient. You can also read the original version and its weekly update at Comicforum for the latest pages. We will upload one translated chapter every few days until it has catched up with the German edition (at the moment: third chapter of act three).

You are invited to download a wallpaper which was designed as the cover of the English version.

She !s me – Act 3

After almost four years, the English version of Jots webcomic She !s me!finally continues! 06.09.2012: First chapter of the third act is online. 20.09.2012: Second and third chapter of the third act are online. 08.11.2012: Fourth chapter of the third act is online. Best start from the overview.   Updates every Thursday.  

She !s me – Act 2

After almost four years, the English version of Jot’s webcomic She !s me! finally continues! 19.07.2012: First chapter of the second act is online. 26.07.2012: Second chapter is online! 02.08.2012: Third chapter is online! 09.08.2012: Fourth chapter is online! 18.08.2012: Fifth chapter is online! 26.08.2012: Sixth/final chapter of act 2 is online. Best start from the overview.   Updates every Thursday. No updates next week. We’ll start the third act on 06.09.2012.

She !s me – Act 1

Here's how it all started … The very first pages, i.e. chapter one, of „Oh nein! Ich bin ein Mädchen!“ have been translated into English and are now available. Every few days from now on, a remaining chapter of the first act will be uploaded. Please click here to start reading. Updates of this first act will be announced exactly here, so check this site out. Update 03.11.08: Seventh (final) chapter of the first act is online. 10.11.08: Sorry, we need some time for the translation of the next chapters, additionally the artist needs time to concentrate on the story itself. So no update this week, maybe also not the next weeks. For some information about the comic and the artist, click here.